Five Home Remedies for Allergies123

Spring has finally arrived and with it comes allergies and high pollen counts.  When it comes to home remedies for allergies you hear a lot about local raw honey preventing them. It is supposed to work because the gradual intake of local pollen will help build up your immunity before the symptoms start, thereby providing relief when the season actually hits. And while it does work for some people, let’s not forget that there are plenty of remedies you can try at home to help relieve the common symptoms of seasonal allergies.  Here are Five Home Remedies that may help ease you allergies this season.

  • Nettle-Peppermint Tea
  • Bee Pollen
  • Citrus Drinks with Lemon & Oranges.
  • Red Onion Water
  • Apple Walnut Trail Mix

Remember to always consult your physician when dealing with issues of your health, and every suggestion should only be consumed in moderation.

About the author: Joe Fiorilli